Last weekend we drove to Madrid to meet our friends Debbie and TJ Bunka. They were in Spain’s capital for three days before heading to the Canary Islands. For us it was a great chance see friends and check out Madrid. The six hour drive down was oddly through a snowy landscape. Europe was just recovering from an uncharacteristic cold snap that dropped snow on unlikely areas, including the arid Spain countryside (and in our backyard in Pau).
Madrid is a lively city that doesn’t seem to sleep, and we did our best to take part in the liveliness. On our first night we spent our time in three tapas bars, enjoying the cheap wine, delicious tapas, and each other’s company. Somewhere between the jamón and the cheesy eighties music we lost track of time, and the next thing we knew it was 3 AM. We hauled our butts off to bed while the Spaniards ordered another round.
The next day we toured the extensive Prado museum and walked around the historical areas of Madrid. More time was dedicated to jamón, Spain’s best contribution to the culinary world. These cured ham legs are a national obsession. There are a variety of types ranging in price and flavour, the most expensive being a little black pig that is fed acorns. The meat is delicately shaved by hand with a knife, and oozes greasy goodness. We enjoyed several helpings, including some on the street immediately after buying a few slices at the Museo del Jamón.
That night we were much more disciplined and made it back to the hotel at 1 AM. We could easily have stayed out later, but the Bunkas had an 8 AM flight the next day and we had a long drive ahead of us. When Debbie and TJ boarded the shuttle for the airport at 6 AM Sunday morning, they said the streets were packed with partyers straggling home. Those crazy Spaniards!